Tuesday, July 27, 2010

HELLO, intros, and Spain

So, I've finally started up a blog amidst all my insecurities and fears of sounding 1) self righteous 2) egotistical 3) like a nut. Seems like a good idea though. Seems almost necessary for careers in writing.

Oh yeah, and just so nobody thinks I'm a total weirdo, the name of the blog comes from a book by a favorite author of mine, Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

So, ok, it still has this weird feeling like I'm talking to myself in a room THAT DOESN'T EXIST (internet). So I don't know what this is going to be about yet, but I want a lot of it to be about music and I guess just anything I find worthy of duplicating or sharing. Sounds pretty self important already. Eech. OH WELL. Here goes nothing.

Ok. Here I was gonna go into this big long description of Primavera Sound Festival, but it so far gone now that it doesn't seem at all like anyone would care. So, instead, gonna post a few songs from a band I've been way interested in lately.

Weed Diamond, a Denver CO noisy yet catchy group, released 2 new demos recently. If you haven't heard of them and like these, I suggest checking out Carry On + Sweater Kids, probably one of my favorite albums of the year.

So, here:

WEED DIAMOND - CHALICE: http://www.box.net/shared/0y3r3emf34
WEED DIAMOND - FIELD ON FIRE: http://www.box.net/shared/fkc105xk77