Friday, March 30, 2012

In case you forgot why Sigur Rós is beautiful...

Well, here.


It's a video promoting their new album Valtari (out May 29th in the US, May 28th everywhere else).  The name of the song that just wrapped around you like an Icelandic wool sweater is called "Ekki Múkk".  To me this is Sigur Ros doing what Sigur Ros do best: being Sigur Ros.  Don't get me wrong, I loved some of the goofy nature of songs such as "Gobbledeegook".  They express the importance of play and clearly illustrate a different time, creatively, and the band member's lives.  However, songs like "Ekki Múkk" remind us of why we fell in love with Sigur Ros in the first place.

And that's good.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Extended absences...

Hey all,

so wow, I kinda left for a long time.  Let's try again!

For all y'all looking for something to do tomorrow, go see Youth Lagoon at Union Transfer.  I'M TOTES GOIN.  It's a good album, it'll probably sound great live, and that's reason enough.

Here's some tunes for the evening.

These guys are also coming to town soon!  Easily my most anticipated show of this year.  Dooooz it!

Some of my actual bros.  Saw them a couple times this month and am just reminded how much I enjoy their music.