Friday, July 8, 2011

New Kite Party album, "Baseball Season".

Hello everyone. Philly dudes via Tamaqua/New York and personal bros of mine have recently released a new album titled Baseball Season.  Tom Waits said songwriting, "is like capturing birds without killing them.  Sometimes you end up with nothing but a mouthful of feathers."  They've been working on the album a few years now, and it seems to me like they've got a lot of songs and not a lot of fluff here.  Listening to the old and then the new has been a crazy journey for me, and for any old fans you're sure to hear a ton of growth and exploration.  If Baseball Season were anything else, it'd be a little black brick of lead, heavy and dense.  There's plenty here to listen to.  You can stream it and buy it for $5 off their bandcamp site.

Once properly reviewed, there may be an interview posted here with Justin Fox (guitars, keyboard).  Note: interviewing skills generally diminish after several PBR pounders while critical analysis of Pokemon squads tends to increase under these conditions.

Link: [Kite Party - Wish Mountain]

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