Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New venue: Union Transfer details, upcoming show list.

The newest venue gracing Philly is Union Transfer, the brainchild of Sean Agnew of R5 Productions, Jim Glancy of Bowery Presents, and Avram Hornik of Four Corners Management.  While there was no mystery of the new venue's existence, we now have some official news the aforementioned dudes themselves.

Here's what Sean Agnew of R5 had to say:

Sorry to bombard your inbox this week but we think this is a pretty special occasion and worthy of an additional e-mail! After months of speculation, rumors, blog posts and a posted tour date or two - it comes with great pleasure that we can officially announce UNION TRANSFER, a brand new venue opening up in Center City this September! Union Transfer will hold 600 people (with a flexible capacity to accommodate more people if/when we need to) in what most people know as "the old Spaghetti Warehouse" building at 10th and Spring Garden. What most people do not know is that the building was originally an old luggage depot station in the early 1900s originally named "Union Transfer" (that made picking a name so easy!) It's a pretty dramatic space w/ sweeping arches, stained glass, old chandeliers and a whole lot of character. Along with the old furnishings we are adding what we think will be the best and biggest PA/Sound System in Philadelphia. We are thrilled to show it all off later this fall with a bunch of shows that we are really excited about.

The venue is a new joint partnership between myself, Bowery Presents (who book a ton of great shows in nyc and own a few venues of their own) and Four Corners Management (the folks who own Drinkers, Noche, Lucys and a few other bars around town). Over the next few weeks we'll be revealing lots of new shows, pictures and all sorts of other information about the venue. Two things we are really excited to tell you about off the bat : the venue will feature AIR CONDITIONING (and lots of it !) and the venue will be ALL AGES with a separate bar area for those who are 21+ and would like to drink.

Air conditioning??  If anybody's been to a show at the First Unitarian Church in the dead of summer, you'll appreciate that bit more than anyone.  All exciting stuff here.

And here's a list of the first group of shows that are scheduled to go on there:

Union Transfer Scheduled Show Dates:

09/21 Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

09/28 Mogwai

09/29 Shellac

10/07 The Aggrolites

10/14 RJD2

10/19 Wild Flag

10/20 Gillian Welch

10/21 CSS

10/23 Dum Dum Girls

10/25 Friendly Fires

10/28 Boris

10/29 We Were Promised Jetpacks

10/31 World Inferno Friendship Society

11/17 The Sea and Cake

11/21 Radio Dept

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